
Monday, May 27, 2024

Problems faced by women journalists

After all, why do we consider women journalists as a burden to not go to rallies or they are unfit to cover riots?

Problems faced by women journalists
Problems faced by women journalists

Journalism is the most important component of any balanced society 

Some time ago, it was agreed to conduct a training for journalists in which the journalists had to be informed about social and cultural values ​​in reporting and coverage of Jalsa procession.

The training was going on and I was asking women journalists about the problems and difficulties they faced . One said that she went to such and such an area and was told to wear a chador, the other said that she got stuck in the procession and the cameraman rescued her.

While this was going on, 

a male journalist spoke up and said that it is good for women journalists to cover the press conference or seminar itself so that they do not face these problems. For once he ignored this and continued his discussion.

Now it came to the coverage of riots and how both male and female journalists can keep themselves safe, then those male journalists once again said that 'men should go for coverage of riots and processions because the cameramen do their job less. does and pays more attention to the safety of the female journalist with him which also affects his work.

"That's why I say that they should only cover the press conference and seminar where they will not face any kind of problems."

This is just a glimpse of the problem faced by women journalists in Pakistan. After all, why do we consider women journalists as a burden to not go to rallies or they are unfit to cover riots?

Why not train them how to cover rallies and riots safely, how to take care of their clothes when going to an area for reporting.

In our country, women journalists not only have to face such things from their fellow male journalists, but they also have to face prejudice from journalistic institutions.

Recently, I met journalists in a gathering, including women journalists. He said that 'on the one hand, where people associated with certain professions are members of the press clubs, there is a delay in giving membership to women journalists in the same press clubs.'

If press clubs are going to treat women journalists like this, then what should they do? Women journalists are determined to make their own space and continue to strive against the space that is being squeezed for them.

But these journalists need the support of journalistic organizations and a structured system under which women journalists have the same conditions and facilities for membership as a male journalist.

These are just two problems that can be easily solved by institutions or journalistic organizations.

Institutions urgently need to change their thinking. On the other hand, 

journalism organizations and press clubs should think seriously about why it happens that allegedly male journalists get membership early and female journalists, even if they are more competent and qualified than male journalists, get membership later. I met

Apart from these women journalists face many problems and journalistic organizations and journalists need to work together to solve them.

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