
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Nutrition Tips for Young and Bright Skin


Nutrition Tips for Young and Bright Skin
Nutrition Tips for Young and Bright Skin

Our diet is as important as the care products we use to have healthy skin . Unless skin cells receive the vitamins and minerals they need, they can never achieve the desired appearance. With stress control, sun protection and proper nutrition, the aging process of the skin can be slowed down and a healthy and glowing skin can be achieved.

In our late 20s and early 30s, collagen breaks begin in our skin. In this case, the reproduction of collagen decreases considerably and even comes to a halt with advancing age. As this loss continues, loss of elasticity begins to show itself and skin quality deteriorates.

Apart from plastic surgery and aesthetic procedures, we can take care of our skin as much as we can and stop it from aging prematurely. So, what can we, who always want to have young and bright skin, do or stay away from in terms of nutrition?

Adequate water consumption

First of all, we should take care to consume sufficient water and remember how much water and moisture our skin needs as well as our body. In cases where there is not enough water consumption, our skin becomes extremely dry, this dryness causes flaking and fine lines to settle on the skin in the long term. Let's get rid of the perception that only those with dry skin need more moisture. Oily and combination skin needs moisture just as much as dry skin. The more we saturate the skin with moisture, the faster the problems it experiences will disappear. In order to reduce the pale and tired appearance of the skin, our priority should be to consume plenty of water and give the skin the mineral-vitamin supplement it desires.

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Fresh vegetables & fruits

 Increasing the daily consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits in our diet and accelerating the production of antioxidants to combat pigmentation problems and cell aging problems that cause fine lines, wrinkles and blemishes on the skin will be another positive initiative we can take.

Antioxidant rich foods

To preserve the youth and elasticity of your skin, we can also include antioxidants that fight free radicals, such as blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, salmon, carrots, pomegranates, oranges and dark chocolate, in our nutritional routines.

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breakfast habit

The most important nutrition issue will be a healthy breakfast habit that we will include in our mornings . Breakfast is a good routine that prevents excessive caffeine and sugar consumption, especially until noon.

Things we should stay away from for healthy skin

The most important thing that we should stay away from with great care is foods containing sugar, which we enjoy consuming but are also our secret enemies, and fried and roasted foods that give us a false feeling of happiness when eating .

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We can say that these foods, which cause great damage to both our body and skin health when consumed in the long term, are the most important factors that trigger free radicals in the body. Free radicals are harmful molecules that occur in reactions in the body. The body protects itself, to some extent, by neutralizing these harmful molecules. Free radicals; It is produced even more due to stress, smoking, alcohol, excessive caffeine consumption, fried and roasted foods. Free radicals, which make the body unable to protect itself, attack healthy cells, disrupt their structure, and lead to premature death of the cell. In order for the cells to remain both young and healthy, we should stay away from these foods as much as possible.

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