
Saturday, May 4, 2024

Glass Skin Trend The Secret to Flawless Skin or an Unattainable Dream

In recent years, glass skin , also known as glass skin , has become one of the most talked about trends in the beauty world. Inspired by Korean skin care, this trend promises flawlessly smooth, clear and radiant skin. So, what is glass skin and what needs to be done to achieve this look? Is perfect skin really possible? Or is it a dream unattainable with filters and photoshop? We reviewed it for you.

Glass Skin Trend The Secret to Flawless Skin or an Unattainable Dream
Glass Skin Trend The Secret to Flawless Skin or an Unattainable Dream

What is glass skin?

Glass skin, which has been trending lately especially on the TikTok platform, means poreless, even-toned and radiant skin. This trend from South Korea promises a flawless and smooth skin appearance. This skin type reflects light like a perfect mirror and gives a vibrant and healthy appearance. Glass skin is not a trend achieved only with make-up, but the result of a comprehensive skin care routine . The main purpose of this routine is to reveal the healthiest and most radiant state of the skin by moisturizing, nourishing and protecting it.

Is it possible to get glass skin?

First of all, it should always be remembered that everyone's skin is different and the effort and time required to achieve glass skin may vary from person to person. While some of the glass skin appearances you see on social media are beautified with the right light or filters, some of them consist of skin that is genetically inclined to be smooth.

Of course, with the right skin care and applications, skin health can be improved and perhaps a glass skin appearance can be achieved. However, in such trends; Denying the existence of skin imperfections and various factors such as genetics, age, hormones, lifestyle, environmental factors can damage our self-perception . Nowadays, flawless skin is touted as a sign of success and the key to happiness. This causes many people to experience problems such as lack of self-confidence while struggling with skin problems . The important thing is that you know your skin well, meet its needs and love yourself as you are.

Self-compassion is the state of being kind and understanding towards ourselves. From this perspective, we can accept our skin problems without judgment or shame. Our skin problems do not make us less valuable or beautiful. It is important to remember that everyone has their own unique beauty and our flaws are a part of that beauty.

So what can we do?

Our skin types and needs may not be the same as those of people who produce content about the glass skin trend. Therefore, the products and routines recommended within the scope of these trends may not suit our skin and may cause more problems over time. Knowing your skin is crucial to finding the right skin care products. Learning about your skin type, skin concerns, and skin sensitivity will help you choose products that will meet your needs.

Wait 30 minutes after washing your skin to determine your skin type . Pay attention to how your skin feels. Does it feel oily, dry, normal or combination? Is there any tightness, flaking or oiliness on your skin?

To identify your skin concerns, pay attention to what types of skin problems you are experiencing. Do you have concerns such as acne, wrinkles, dryness or hyperpigmentation? Does your skin have any sensitivity? 

Are you sensitive to the sun?

After determining your skin type and the main problems you experience with your skin, you can start choosing products that will meet your needs. Read product labels carefully and choose products that contain ingredients suitable for your skin type. Before trying a new product, be sure to test it on a small area of ​​your skin.

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