
Sunday, April 28, 2024

Metabolic Adaptation Why Does Weight Loss Slow Down During Dieting

 While most individuals go through the weight loss process easily at first, they have difficulty later on. This situation, called metabolic adaptation , is one of the survival mechanisms that occurs when more weight is lost than the body needs. It is a process that signals our body to slow down metabolism to prevent excessive weight loss due to energy restriction.

Metabolic Adaptation Why Does Weight Loss Slow Down During Dieting
Metabolic Adaptation Why Does Weight Loss Slow Down During Dieting

A new study conducted by the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham; concluded that metabolic adaptation delays the weight loss goal. The study was conducted with women who were pre-menopausal and whose body mass index (BMI) was above the healthy weight range. It was observed that participants lost an average of 16% of their weight over an average of 5 months. In this regard, researchers have revealed that metabolic adaptation delays the time to achieve weight loss goals .

How does metabolic adaptation develop?

The energy an individual spends in a day consists of BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), thermic effect of food, physical activity (non-exercise), and exercise energy. When an individual begins to lose weight, the BMR value decreases. Therefore, the energy required to be consumed also decreases. With the loss of fat mass and decrease in BMR, Ghrelin (hunger hormone) increases and Leptin (satiety hormone) decreases. Therefore, the individual's hunger/satiety mechanism is affected. With the increase in the leptin hormone, the cortisol hormone also increases; Thus, water retention (edema) may develop. Continuous and rapid loss of fat mass results in the body adapting and getting used to less energy and less energy storage. However, it should not be forgotten that the body takes such precautions to protect the body.

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What factors are effective in the formation of adaptation?

  • fast weight loss
  • Low energy intake
  • Restricted diet practices
  • Excessive exercise

How can we overcome the adaptation process?

The best way to avoid this adaptation is to achieve fat mass loss not quickly but in a healthy time period and in healthy ways.

Many experts agree that losing 1 or 2 pounds per week is a healthy and safe rate. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that people who lose weight slowly and steadily are more successful in losing weight .

When our body enters the adaptation process:

  • We can reduce the intensity of exercise and allow the body to breathe.
  • We need to increase energy intake and nourish the body again.
  • You can then continue your journey with a moderate energy deficit, a planned nutrition plan and exercise routine.

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